Explore expert advice, timely updates, and valuable resources to keep your child healthy and thriving.

Introducing Oral Immunotherapy at COPA

Dear COPA Families— we wanted to share some excited news in the world of Pediatric Allergy! COPA welcomed Pediatric Allergist Dr Haley Hostetler in March of 2023. She is triple board certified in Allergy & Clinical Immunology, Internal Medicine, and Pediatrics. We are so incredibly lucky to have her as a specialist in our community. […]

Pediatric Milestones: What Should My Baby Be Doing at Each Stage?

As parents, watching your baby grow and discover the world is one of life’s most magical experiences. At COPA, we’re here to guide you through every step of your baby’s journey, from those first wobbly head lifts to their first steps through teen years. Understanding pediatric milestones helps ensure your baby is growing, thriving, and […]

Protecting Your Child’s Skin in Winter: Tips for Dry Skin and Eczema

When the chilly winds start to blow and the air becomes dry, it’s not just adults who feel the effects—children’s delicate skin can take a hit too! Winter months bring a host of challenges for young skin, especially when it comes to dryness and conditions like eczema. But don’t worry, with a little care and […]

Is It Safe to Travel with a Newborn During the Holidays?

The holiday season is such a magical time—full of joy, family gatherings, and treasured memories. But if you’re a new parent, you might be asking yourself, “Is it safe to travel with a newborn?” Whether you’re visiting grandparents for the first time or taking a much-needed holiday getaway, traveling with your tiny bundle of joy […]

5 Key Immunizations for School-Aged Children and Why They Matter

As children prepare to head back to school, ensuring they are up to date on their immunizations is a crucial step in safeguarding their health and well-being. Immunizations play a vital role in preventing serious illnesses that can impact children’s lives and the lives of loved ones in our community. In this blog, we will […]

Ear Infections in Kids: Prevention, Symptoms, and When to Seek Help

Ear infections are a common type of infection, especially in young children, but just because they are common doesn’t mean they aren’t really challenging for kids and parents. They can cause discomfort and distress, not only for the child but for the entire family. Understanding what ear infections are, their symptoms, and how to prevent […]

9 Tips for Boosting Your Toddler’s Language Development

Language development in toddlers is a fascinating and essential part of their growth. During these formative years, children experience incredible changes in their ability to communicate, express themselves, and interact with the world around them. As parents and caregivers, understanding how to nurture and support this development can lay a strong foundation for their future […]
Two parents kiss their two children goodnight.

Building Healthy Sleep Habits for Babies and Toddlers

Creating healthy sleep habits is essential for the well-being of infants and toddlers. At COPA, we know that it’s not always easy to develop these positive sleep habits. While sleep may seem like a natural part of a child’s day, fostering a positive sleep environment and routine can make a world of difference in your […]
Child sits on a bed, facing away and looking out the window.

Why Early Detection of Developmental Delays is Crucial

As a parent, watching your child grow and hit their developmental milestones is one of the most rewarding experiences. Each smile, word, and step feels like a victory. However, every child develops at their own pace, and sometimes certain milestones might be delayed. Developmental delays are more common than many people realize, and early detection […]
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